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CTD on loading any new save game


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I have a CTD problem since yesterday in my Skyrim SE.


It's not (well, I suppose not) related to mod change because I haven't changed those in some time. I tried reloading the last save game and got direct CTD. After checking a bit, I found I could only reload some save game from ~an hour before. Loading any save game before that one works fine. Loading the ones saved later fails. Yet nothing was changed in mods or configuration between.


And the really weird problem is: if I reload ANY save game still working fine (even some from a week before), and once loaded I IMMEDIATELY save it again as a new save game, then loading that last save game ALSO directly crash to desktop. This happens anywhere (if I'm outside or inside all the same)... Any idea that could help understand/fix the problem would be greatly appreciated as I literally can't progress anymore without saving.


Extra info: that behaviour is only happening on one character. My daughter's player doesn't suffer the same problem (same modded game)




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sometimes, a glitch can occur in your game that leaves any subsequent save corrupt.


Since your daughter isn't experiencing any problems with the same mod load, I'd suspect that's the case for you.


Were it me, I'd try stepping back a bit further in my save queue.


FWIW, I've found that swearing a bunch (quietly in your case, so as not to disturb your daughter) about my lost time and lost game progress while trying to find a stable save helps :wink:


As to the why behind these glitches, idk. I just cope with them. I don't have it in me anymore to dig into deep code forensics missions..

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Yes, happened as you described in the past. But my problem here is that if I reload ANY working save game, save again as a new save, and try to load that freshly saved game, I CTD immediately... I can't reload any newly made save games.

Even if I reload my oldest save game, save as a new save game, game CTD when I try to load that save game again.

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Yes, happened as you described in the past. But my problem here is that if I reload ANY working save game, save again as a new save, and try to load that freshly saved game, I CTD immediately... I can't reload any newly made save games.

Even if I reload my oldest save game, save as a new save game, game CTD when I try to load that save game again.

Even a very old save?




I'll give it a shot. Should I try cleaning one of the last save I know can be loaded, or one recently saved which can't be loaded anymore ?

you didn't ask me, but fwiw, I'd try one of the ones that can be opened for cleaning. At least for me, I've had poor luck with those that are already "dead". or to be sure, try both. even on those fe that are openable (but result in subsequently corrupt saves), I've had little luck in finding anything that actually "fixes" them. And fwiw, often times a "corrupt" save won't even show any need for cleaning. (that is, no errors are detected by fallrim to fix)


bad data inserted (by whatever means) in an otherwise valid storage location won't likely be recognized as bad data until it's in use, in game.

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@anjenthedog: yes, if I was loading any save (as old as I still had) which was working fine, then when in game I immediately saved, reloading that fresh savegame also crashed to desktop.


Thank you both for the comments and suggestions, I managed to find out the source of the problem thanks to ReSaver!


For information (can help other people facing same issue):

Opening any of my (working or non working) save game in ReSaver had a tons of "Serious problems were identified" alerts (broken, truncated, truncated formID array...) and I felt a bit discouraged at first... but something caught my eyes that I was surprised to find in there: many reported errors related to DynDoLOD objects... I was actually surprised because I did not imagine any part of DyndoLOD was going in a savegame.

So I tried to do this:

1. in MO2, disable all DyndoLOD mods, installed and generated outputs.

2. launch game and load the last save I knew was still loading (other more recents ones were still CTD).

3. Got warning that DyndoLOD.esm and DyndoLOD.esp were missing as expected, hit okay and loaded game anyway.

4. I saved directly the game to a new savegame, and that save game could be loaded! so that was huge relief!

5. exit, re-enable all DyndoLOD mods in MO2, restart game.

6. load the last save done in #4, worked fine. And save/load works back as they should!


Thanks again for the app suggestion @7531Leonidas ! even if the app is not really user friendly as @anjenthedog pointed, at least it helped me figure out a solution to my problem.


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  • 11 months later...

sorry to necro this but this is a high result when searching this same phrase and wanted to do a quick PSA for anyone using this mod:

Combat Music Fix NG unfortunately causes a CTD when loading a save, best to disable it until it's unlikely next update, your save isn't lost forever though! disabling the mod will allow you to continue as normal

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