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Cloths disappear after I edit them


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I'm trying to get into modding of already-made gear for my personal use, thanks to the creators of these files. I'm just practicing my modding, everybody needs to start somewhere :thumbsup:


I've started editing the 'Skirt goth pink' skirt from apachii, making it more to my taste. OK, so I just got NifSkope to remove extras from it first.


Now I've been having a problem. I wanted to scale the skirt to make it slightly smaller. So I used the 'Scale' function in the Edit menu (not Scale Vertex, just Scale), and then I moved the skirt back up to the right height.


When I go back in-game, the skirt is invisible. Also, when I move my camera through the air where the skirt should be, it just crashes and i need to manually shutdown the game from task manager.


What did I do wrong? All I did was use the scale function on the skirt and scaled to 0.9...




How should I go around to editing its form? I want to change it a little, and I've tried some functions on NifSkope, but I can't find how to change the Vertex (the triangles that shape the cloths?) Is it the right program? Maybe I need a tutorial.. Just for modding shapes of cloths, or something.

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