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LINK integration & new Kvatch mod


Kvatch city manager  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Would such a MOD be possible?

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Howdy TES IV: Oblivion community,


I really like the in-game utility - LINK - and wish more MODs would also have LINK configurations too. It was nice to be able to change settings in-game, without having to exit. It is also well implemented too.


Another thought I had was involving rebuilding Kvatch. There is the well known MOD of Kvatch Rebuilt which I have also played.


Kvatch City Manager

  • Residential plots -- residents will pay taxes to Kvatch treasury
  • Commercial plots -- choose a shop owner with a shop type (weapons, potions, etc)
  • Leisure plots -- plots, such as an arena
  • Taxes -- residents and shop keepers will pay taxes to the city's treasury - this will further fund projects
  • Customization
  • Custom voiced NPCs

The goal would be to re-establish Kvatch to a prosperous city, managing customization along the way. It would be nice to have control on the types of businesses which setup in the city, the residents whom move in. A city with a meaningful purpose and stuff to do.

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