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Locating, messaging companions


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I have been dreaming of / searching for a mod for Fallout 4. Although I'd be surprised if nobody thought of this before, it is not exactly an original idea, so since I haven't found it I am going to assume that this is difficult, or impossible to make. But it sort of feels possible too.


Here it is: A way to locate your companions without the vault-tec population managment thingy, or message them and tell them to go places.


Maybe being able to ask NPCs "Where is <companion>?" "Have you seen Dogmeat?"And sometimes they know, sometimes they don't know.

Maybe sometimes they'll only tell you rumors:

"I heard that Johnny met a supermutant in Diamond City, but instead of eating him, it started talking to a him about dairy products"

"Some nosy woman was asking a lot of questions near Drumlin Diner recently"

"My big brother is the strongest guy I know but he got his ass kicked by this skinny woman in Sanctuary"

Nobody knows where Deacon is. Deacon finds you.


Maybe order settlers to seek out a certain companion and tell them to come to you or tell them to go to some settlement.

Or introduce some mobile phone or pager that you can give to companions.


Does such a mod exist already? Or would it be possible to make?

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