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Slow Downloads

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Greetings to who it may concern!


I am a free-account user who used to have the regular 1.5 to 3mb/s before the month of July & since then have slow downloads for files above or equal to 20mb with everything below this size being the normal 1.5 to 3 mb/s.


The ISP connection cable was also fixed so it may not be that, Very strong download speed for every other site.

The nearest server for this country is Guam (US) & the standard CDN which is slow.

VPNs do not work as well.


Would it possibly be the nearest CDN provider which is most likely Guam having problems due to the earlier hurricane/typhoon from earlier last month?


Also here are the test results below:


Country: Philippines

Internet Service Provider (ISP): Converge ICT
Average Download Speed (non-Nexus downloads): 10+MB/s

Download tests:
Worldwide - Premium CDN: 25.1 MB/s
EU - Amsterdam: 0.9 MB/s
EU - Prague: 0.8 MB/s
US - Los Angeles: 0 MB/s
US - Chicago: 0 MB/s
US - Miami: 0 MB/s

Small File - https://cf-files.nexusmods.com/cdn/1704/1137/Ordinator%209.31.0-1137-9-31-0-1635693140.zip?md5=BiQw0CyYy8_mDs2kYGxHCg&expires=1690913168&user_id=75155173&rip=

Large File - https://files.nexus-cdn.com/1704/2182/Realistic%20Water%20Two%20SE%20v5.6.0-2182-5-6-0-1669854231.7z?md5=pHREMn2naXgiZYyhjcfcTA&expires=1690913080&user_id=75155173&rip=

C:\Windows\System32>tracert files.nexus-cdn.com

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 3 ms 2 ms 2 ms
4 3 ms 4 ms 4 ms
5 3 ms 3 ms 2 ms []
6 * 2 ms 3 ms []
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 30 ms 30 ms 31 ms []
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 213 ms 213 ms 212 ms be2913.ccr41.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com []
11 225 ms 222 ms 213 ms
12 * 221 ms 207 ms vl223.lax-cs2-dist-2.cdn77.com []
13 213 ms 216 ms * unn-89-187-185-168.cdn77.com []
14 212 ms 222 ms 213 ms unn-89-187-185-168.cdn77.com []

Trace complete.

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Just an update to the earlier problem....


The problem still persists to this day but now even slower with a max of 12kbs to 0b for the entire time.


Also still a free-user, Download speeds for files below 20mb is till very quick to instant while anything above is slowed down to the aforementioned speed.

Similarly sized files from other sites are downloaded with the maximum speed of 240MB/s.


Most probable culprit would be the server connection to the nearest Nexus Mods servers.




Here's the new trace files


Country: Philippines


Internet Service Provider (ISP): Converge ICT


Average Download Speed (non-Nexus downloads): 240.12MB/s


Download tests:

  • Worldwide - Premium CDN - 24.5 MB/s
  • EU - Amsterdam - 1.3 MB/s
  • EU - Prague - 1.1 MB/s
  • US - Los Angeles - 0 MB/s
  • US - Miami - 0 MB/s
  • US - Chicago - 0 MB/s

Download links:


Small File: https://cf-files.nexusmods.com/cdn/1704/1137/Ordinator%209.31.0-1137-9-31-0-1635693140.zip?md5=3tdQtF2Y_4MEFxkHQdf85w&expires=1691513857&user_id=75155173&rip=


Large File: https://files.nexus-cdn.com/1704/2182/Realistic%20Water%20Two%20SE%20v5.6.0-2182-5-6-0-1669854231.7z?md5=TN5WtxRUS4CyzT2m6tQCgg&expires=1691513861&user_id=75155173&rip=



Tracing route to files.nexus-cdn.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
4 * * 5 ms
5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms []
6 * * 3 ms []
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 30 ms 30 ms * []
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 192 ms 192 ms 194 ms be2913.ccr41.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com []
11 220 ms 216 ms 228 ms
12 * * 208 ms vl223.lax-cs2-dist-2.cdn77.com []
13 227 ms 216 ms 211 ms unn-89-187-185-168.cdn77.com []




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