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Get an empty fusioncell back script

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i ve a problem with a scrip.

i want to try to get an empty fusioncell back if i fire with a laser weapon or an other weapon who used the fusioncell


my problem ist that i cant read out witch weapon is equipped an witch ammo is in used


Debug.MessageBox(Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon().GetAmmo()) it shows me "[ammo"

if i ask for the weapon

Debug.MessageBox(Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon() it shows me "[weapon"


my inspiration for this small mod is "loads of ammo" the "breedercell" ... without a scrip you get an empty fusioncell back if you hit an enemy


I searched the library but i cant find any other function

f4se is installed so i ve other function available


only readout the weapon the ammo or any id of them is still missing

have someone any idea how i can fix it


the debug messageboxes ... for find out whats wrong

Scriptname NukaColaBottleCapAdderSCRIPT_111 extends activemagiceffect

MiscObject Property FusionsCellEmpty auto
Ammo Property AmmoFusionCell auto

Event OnInit()
  RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "WeaponFire")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)

	if (asEventName == "weaponfire")

			if (Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon().GetAmmo() == AmmoFusionCell)
					game.getplayer().AddItem(FusionsCellEmpty, 1)





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To get the actual name as a string you need to extend that query to also include .GetName() at the end :


Are you not getting a messagebox saying "2" when firing the accurate ammo though?

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i get an error "GetName is not a function or does not exist"


I kept looking. many people have this problem

I'm still searching the forum.

I currently see a other solution and am trying it

I'm trying to read the "keywords". Debug.MessageBox(Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon().HasKeyword(dn_HasReceiver_MoreDamage3)) *for example

so I get an answer back "true" or "false" at the moment i always get "false" :D ... i dont know why

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If it says GetName is not a function then your F4SE files might not be in order. The F4SE source script-files should be placed in a location where they can override their respective vanilla script. This isn't, or might not be, done automatically when you install F4SE. Which location this is will come down to what paths to script files you have specified in CK and likewise in whichever code editor you are using. I usually just drag the F4SE .psc-files to the "base" folder and let them overwrite the vanilla scripts.

To be clear, it isn't necessary to overwrite the vanilla files, they just need to be overridden.

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i get an error "GetName is not a function or does not exist"


I kept looking. many people have this problem

I'm still searching the forum.

I currently see a other solution and am trying it

I'm trying to read the "keywords". Debug.MessageBox(Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon().HasKeyword(dn_HasReceiver_MoreDamage3)) *for example

so I get an answer back "true" or "false" at the moment i always get "false" :D ... i dont know why


Enable Papyrus logging and try this:



MiscObject Property FusionsCellEmpty Auto
Ammo Property AmmoFusionCell Auto

Event OnInit()


	RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "WeaponFire")



Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)

	Debug.TraceUser("NukaColaBottleCapAdder", " [OnAnimationEvent] :: RECEIVED: akSource = [" + akSource + ". DisplayName: " + akSource.GetDisplayName() + "]. asEventName = [" + asEventName + "].")

	if (asEventName == "weaponfire")

			Weapon PlayerEquippedWeapon = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon()

			If PlayerEquippedWeapon

				Debug.TraceUser("NukaColaBottleCapAdder", " [OnAnimationEvent] :: INFO: player's equipped weapon is [" + PlayerEquippedWeapon + ". Name: " + PlayerEquippedWeapon.GetName() + "].")


				Debug.TraceUser("NukaColaBottleCapAdder", " [OnAnimationEvent] :: ERROR: player's equipped weapon is 'none'. Aborting.")

				Return None

			Ammo PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon().GetAmmo()

			If PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo

				Debug.TraceUser("NukaColaBottleCapAdder", " [OnAnimationEvent] :: INFO: ammo of player's equipped weapon is [" + PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo + ". Name: " + PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo.GetName() + "].")


				Debug.TraceUser("NukaColaBottleCapAdder", " [OnAnimationEvent] :: ERROR: ammo of player's equipped weapon is 'none'. Aborting.")

				Return None

			if PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo == AmmoFusionCell
					Debug.TraceUser("NukaColaBottleCapAdder", " [OnAnimationEvent] :: SUCCESS: player equipped ammo = [" + PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo + ". Name: " + PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo.GetName() + "] is Fusion Cell. Adding one Fusion Cell to the player.")

					game.getplayer().AddItem(FusionsCellEmpty, 1)
					Debug.TraceUser("NukaColaBottleCapAdder", " [OnAnimationEvent] :: ERROR: player equipped ammo = [" + PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo + ". Name: " + PlayerEquippedWeaponAmmo.GetName() + "] is not Fusion Cell.")

		Debug.TraceUser("NukaColaBottleCapAdder", " [OnAnimationEvent] :: ERROR: asEventName = [" + asEventName + "] is not WeaponFire. Doing nothing.")




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