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Looking for sophisticated auto-storage and auto-access scripts


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HI Guys,

I am completely new to modding so please forgive me, if I ask something stupid. Right now, I am able to place simple objects into the world of Skyrim and I am able to put minor scripts on them (like a basic "Hello World!").


However, what I finally want to achieve are auto-storage and auto-access scripts like in "Breezehome FullyUpgradable". For those of you who do not know this mod:


I'd like to place a chest and a alchemy lab somewhere and make the chest being able to auto-store all ingredience within my inventory. Moreover, the alchemy lab should be able to access the stuff within this chest such that I do not have to take everything out and put it back when I brew potions.


Can some of you provide me with such a script? Or does it involve more work than just putting the right scripts on the chest and the alchemy lab?



Thanks a lot for your help!

Best regards,


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