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Broken Fist


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Okay, you may remember my previous request. This is almost the same, made few changes.


Primarily I'd like this weapon's model done. After that just put the stats listed below.

Plus if you'd be kind enough to place it in some ruined building / other location maybe hard to get to. Put it on a human corpse, on the exploded hand/s of the corpse. And also, if you won't mind, some railway spikes as well.. let's say, 2k-5k. (My console doesn't work :/ )


Okay, let me describe the Broken Fist.


I think it would be good to start with a regular powerfist.


Reduce the metal around it, make some holes in there, kinda looking like it would've been exploded from the inside. Reduce the "foot" of the powerfist so it doesn't look like it's eating your hand. Change the plate above the knuckles to spikes, sharp edges that came from the explosion, etc. Anything than a dull plate is good.

The outer side of the powerfist should also have somekind of spikes/blades/the sharp edges from around the holes.

Updating: http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8241/47...3powerfist1.jpg

Little example what should be done.



If possible, please make two of them. On equip the character puts them on both if his/her hands like the using Brass/Spikes Knuckles. If this is done the animation will be the same as the knuckles (Is it the normal animation?)


Okay, here're the stats.



ID: uathebrokenfist

Name: Broken Fist/s

Script: Not sure what this has to do with a weapon. I wouldn't like to have a talking weapon, at least not without the proper dialogue.

Object Effect: None

Ammunition: It's an unarmed wep. No ammo.

Clip Rounds: Eh...12? Like a regular powerfist/knuckles?

Skill: Same as the powerfist.

Damage: Same as the powerfist

Fire Rate: A little faster than a powerfist.

Mulitplier & Attack Multiplier: I'm not sure what comes in here. Same as powerfist's, or maybe a little higher.





Ignores normal weapon resistance


Game Data Tab:


Weight: 4

Health: 400

Reach: 1.0000

Fire Rate:4.0000

Spread: 0.00000

Min Spread: 0.00000

Sight FOV: 0.00000

Crit Dmg: 29

Value: Your call. I'd prefer 200, but it can also be 2000 if you want.

Damage: 9

Ammo use: 1

# Projectiles: 2 >:)

Limb Dmg Mult: 1.0000

Base VATS To-Hit Chance: 12

Crit % Mult: 4


Skipping some points needless for an unarmed wep.


Crit Effect: VictoryRifleKnockdownSpell

On Death: Uncheck

Resist: DamageResist



On Hit:


Normal formula behavior





Min/Max Range: 0.00000 / 500.00000

Fixed: I dunno about this one. Leave it unchecked.





Action Points: 19. This will be fun.

Damage to Weapon Multiplier: 0.9 It is already broken.



Embedded Weapon:


No need for these?



Art and Sound Tab:


Inventory Image: Powerfist.

Message Icon: Powerfist.

Projectile: None

Impact Data Set: Same as powerfist's.

Reload Anim.: No need for an unarmed weapon.

Hand Grip: Powerfist.

Attack Anim.: Explained above. Knuckles (the regular?) if using two gloves, deathclaw gauntlet's if only one.

Shell Casing: Eh, no need? Not sure.

Animation Type: Hand to Hand.

Attacks Sound: Same as a Spiked Knuckles. No machinevoices like powerfist for this one.

Attack Sound (2D): Same as a Spiked Knuckles. No machinevoices like powerfist for this one.

Attack Loop: Same as a Spiked Knuckles. No machinevoices like powerfist for this one. (If this is required)

Attack Fail (No Ammo/Melee Miss): Spiked Knuckles.

Melee Block: Powerfist / Knuckles. Your call.

Detection Sound Level: Same as powerfist's. Normal.

Add Destruction Data: Don't know. It is already destroyed, so no need?

Idle Sound: Powerfist makes no idle sound? This one doesn't.

Equip Sound: Powerfist / Knuckles.

Unequip Sound: Powerfist / Knuckles.

Pickup Sound: Powerfist / Knuckles.

Putdown Sound: Powerfist / Knuckles.




I'd like you to make these. Basically the whole reason for this request.





Multiplier: 1.00000

Attack Multiplier: 0.9000

Don't Use 1st Person IS Animations: Don't check.

Don't Use 3rd Person IS Animations: Don't check.

Attack Shots/Sec: 1.7000

Reload Time: Unused.

Jam Time: Unused.



Has Scope:

Doesn't have a scope.



Rumble Tab:

Empty? This goes to the 360, amirite? No need.





Okay, I think this is it. Thank you already, and if you're interested about this please post to keep it up.

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Looks like you've done half of the job yourself. Why not fill the other half of the cup?

Because I can't do the model. The necessary programs (Blender, DDS Conventer etc) doesn't work as they're supposed to. Somewhere among them might be a little error/something else, but they won't work properly.



Also, updating. Via Paint (The allmighty Paint) I've shown an example and/or the necessary changes to the powerfist.


At least those would be good to make it look a little broken.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had a basic request somewhat like this a few days ago, i wanted someone to just use the basic power fist model, but make it so theres a power fist on each hand that uses the brass/spiked/steel knuckles animation for combat. i could mod the stats effects etc in the GECK easily, i just need the modeling done cause i have zero skill in that area.
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