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Konahrik - Dragon Priest Follower Mod


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In Skyrim, 13 draton priest's masks are obtainable.


To obtain 12 masks, player have to fight and kill the dragon priest.


However, only one mask can be obtained without fight - Konahrik.


I wondered why only Konahrik can be obtaind without fight, and I got following idea.




Konahrik was once the greatest dragon pries, and was leader of dragon priests.


When Paarthurnax rebelled against Alduin, Konahrik decided to stand with Paarthurnax.


Heard of their leader's action, all other dragon priests excommunicated Konahrik and tried to kill him.


Therefore Konahrik had to fight with his former subordinates, and he lost his mask(destroyed by his enemies or etc.)


After Alduin disappeared by Elder Scroll, Konahrik prepared his return and waited dragonborn's coming.




With this background, player can hire Konahrik. And I think it's good to add his reaction on each dragon priest's mask.


Of course this is a rough idea but I don't know how to improve it and turn it into a mod.


Therefore I post my idea here. What do you think of my idea?


※ I'm not a native english user so I beg your pardon.

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Well it shouldn't be to hard to do my English challenged bro. Simply duplicate one of the dragon priests you like most. change the name and stats add him to the follower faction and change his head gear from the priest you choose to komahrik. Of course you also need to add some dialogue from the normal follower options files. All this can be done with a weeks work in the creation kit.
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i tried copying a default dragon priest and making it a follower via tutorial and it did not work as you cant actually talk to him. i have made custom followers for myself before but never a dragon priest so im not sure what the problem is. i may be able to make his ai package into a follow player package but you would never have any control over him he would just sort of...be there. i'm going to try making a copy of one of the dogs and see if i cant race change it into a Dragon priest that way, and if that doesn't work i can try a copy of the dragon priest race but it looks like they're just not meant for that kind of interaction. but my knowledge of the ck is basic at best so if someone knows how to make this work i would like to know too. my main is a necromancer and a rebel dragon priest as a companion sounds awesome.

Edited by Dracula420
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You could always try making him a summon if all else fails? I use conjuration madness that allows me to summon regular dragon priests, so I'd imagine altering one to look like Konahrik wouldn't be terribly hard. Not only that, but then if he were to die, he could just be resummoned. Unless you have Dragonborn DLC that nulls follower damage (won't say where you get it so as to not spoil anything)

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i was thinking a summon too. maybe the other dragon priest bound the rebel one somewhere and you have to defeat him to free him and get the spell? even i might be able to get something simple like that working.

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