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Extreme Giant Aggro


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Level 1 near Whitewatch Tower. Up on hill overlooking ravine leading uphill from tower. Two giants and their Mammoth. Attacked by group of bandits. Giants wiped bandits. I pulled aggro on one giant. Thought I was safe. He was Really determined to turn me into very flat roadkill. I ran to tower and started filling him with arrows. AI sent the guards against him piecemeal. He wiped the whole garrison then I took off and he pursued right down the road to Whiterun. He wiped two or three road guards and a local female farmer who attacked him on the way. Reached bridge. Two or three local guards joined the fray along with an Imperial prisoner escort detail. Between us we finally put him down. I put fifty iron arrows into him. Between me and the local bitmap detail, the giant was a pincushion. NEVER had that level of pursuit happen before.


Apologies for this if it's boring. Regarding game action, at level one, it was pretty consuming. Did manage to strip bit bodies of all their gear. That was handy...if entirely cynical.

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