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Weapon animation sets

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You know how when you have a pistol equipped and you zoom in and it switches to two-handed animations? I'm trying to gte them to be used always. Like, when you're not zoomed in it's twohanded. I noticed in the weapon properties that there is an anim set thingy, where you can define what anim set it uses. Where can I access these anim sets? I've looked all over the GECK, but I still can't find it. Can someone help?


EDIT: I'm talking first person anims, by the way.

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Well i dont know all the answers, but


alot of the gun animations are sensetive to Bone/Node names.

If a clip is called 'Clip' and not 'magazine' certain reload animations will or wont work with it.


As far as hand positioning goes, its probably a property inherent to all Pistol-type weapons (located in 1handPistol folder)


If i were you id look at all those weapons and see if you can find a common trend as to which are used for what guns when the gun has a 2-hand holding pose. Then write down the name of it.


As far as anim sets go i heard that is a fixed thing and cannot be changed without the use of the Fallout Script Extender (FOSE)

Supposedly theres only so many anim set slots and they are all currently taken up.


You might want to take a look at The Tactical Way's Iron Sights mod:



its not the same as what you're looking for, but its atleast someone who is messing around with weapon-holding poses. (moving them towards the camera)


Maybe they could help you out, or you could learn some stuff from that mod

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Well yeah



Also iron sights is what the two hand is called, you could just put tape on your right mouse button




Just kiddding, You have to consider though that iron sights makes you walk slower than a half walk



Something that might be cooler would be to make the iron sights pose

hold the gun up with the other hand under the gun holding a flash light

like the cops do in movies

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Hey what’s up, if you want to change the animation for the Chinese pistol for example, go to the (\Data\Meshes\characters\_male) folder and find the 1hpattackright and 1hpattackrightis animations. Make backups. Rename the 1hpattackrightis to 1hpattackright. Open it up in nifscope. You have to rename the string from attackrightis to attackright. Highlight the nicontrollerSequence in the block list in the block details window. Click on the txt next to the string value. A little window should pop up. Rename it to attackright and press ok. Test in game. That will work for the Chinese pistol and all other pistols that use the same animation. Remember that some other one hand pistol type weapons may use different animations, i.e. the sawed off shotgun.


You can do some experimenting to see what animations do what. Here is a little trick I learned. Open up GECK . Load the fallout esm. Go to NPC, on the list find Player. That is you. Double click it. On the window that pops up click full preview box on the bottom. A generic version of the player should pop up to the right. On the top click on the tab named animations,( if you don’t see it click on the arrow to scroll until you do.) a list of all the animations will pop up. If you click on them , you can see a preview of the animation. This will help you see what an animation looks like and what it is named.


Remember that you must change the string values in nifscope. Changing the name of an animation to replace another will not work unless you also edit the string value.

Hope that helped.

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Hi, fist person animations are in the- Data\Meshes\characters\_1stperson folder. They have similar names to the other animations,(though not every 3rd person animation has a 1st person counterpart) but are located in a different folder. Third person are located in _male, and 1st person are located in the _1stperson folder.


“The string value thingy”

When you want to replace one animation with another, just changing the name will not work.

I.e. in the post above we wanted to replace the 1hpattackright animation with the1hpattackrightis animation. In order to do so we must make a copy of the 1hpattackrightis and rename it 1hpattackright. Once we have done that we can replace the original animation, but before it will work we must open our new animation with Nifskope and edit it. Here is how to do it.


Step 1. Get the latest stable version of Nifskope if you don’t already have it.


Step 2. Open Nifskope and look at the top. Click on view. Make sure that Block list and Block details are both checked, or press F2 and F3. Now Nifskope should be separated into 3 sections.


Step 3. Open the original 1hpattackright kf. In the block list you should see a listing named NiControlerSequence. Click on it once to highlight it. In the block details window you will see- well the details of the NiControlerSequence, (hence the name block details ). At the top of the block details window you should see Name, Type, and Value. Under value you should see something like this:

txt AttackRight [82]


Step 4. Open the new animation,(the one you want to use to replace the old one). Under the Value in the block details you will see something like this: : txt AttackRightIS [85] This is no good. The value must be named the same as the one in the original KF. Click on the txt nest to the name. A small window should pop up that says “select a string or enter new one”. At the bottom, just change the name from AttackRightis to AttackRight, and press ok. The number on the right will change. That is ok.


Step 5. Save your new Kf file. Now you can replace the old one with this new one. This final step where you change the string value name to match the one from the original is the key. Without it the new animations will not work in game.

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