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Can't Oen Console


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I am unable to open console using the "`" key, I have gone in and made sure that ballowconsole is set to 1 in the Oblivion.ini file. I have made sure it isn't a mod thats causing this. I'm using Vista and am running as an Admin. Thanks in advance for any help.
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If you are running Oblivion on Windows XP Media Center Edition or Windows Vista, and an infrared remote receiver is plugged in, your console may not function properly. In order to restore its functionality, unplug the receiver for your Media Center Remote. This will allow you to use the console, as the receiver interferes with Oblivion's programming. Additionally, a built-in infrared receiver on laptops can cause the same issue and disabling it in the Device Manager has proven to fix the console function. Alternatively, a Ring of Console mod has been created to circumvent this problem. The problem is a device instead of disabling it download ring of console here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13133 it has to have OBSE V17 installed if not get here http://obse.silverlock.org/ and install simple any other problems PM me
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IF you are using vista go to the start menu bottom left and search device manager then look for universal serial bus controller then uninstall E-Home if done correctly the ~ key presto :mage: it should work now
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