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NPC Conversation


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So my problem isn't the biggest, but quite annoying. Everytime I talk to NPCs or followers they don't look at me at all or change their position towards me. They don't stop doing their animations either for example while reading or doing crops. They will stop when walking/running and I try to interact with them, but no turning towards me or eye contact. Another example is if npc is sitting and I go talk to them they keep staring to the direction before conversation. That is quite immersion breaking, but I don't understand what mod could make this happen?

I tried with completely new character too, but same problem happens.

I would appreciate any advice or help.

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All of them? Some do and some don't in my game. Usually when they're working a crafting station or whatever, they might pause while talking to me, sometimes even cock their heads a little as if "paying attention", but they don't actually look at me. Have you tried talking to a guard or other "mobile" person? TBH, I find it a rare occurrence when an NPC actively engaged with their "work" will completely focus on me and stop and move away from their station.


What happens when you talk to Jarl Balgruff? Does he look at you?

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All of them? Some do and some don't in my game. Usually when they're working a crafting station or whatever, they might pause while talking to me, sometimes even cock their heads a little as if "paying attention", but they don't actually look at me. Have you tried talking to a guard or other "mobile" person? TBH, I find it a rare occurrence when an NPC actively engaged with their "work" will completely focus on me and stop and move away from their station.


What happens when you talk to Jarl Balgruff? Does he look at you?

pretty much all of them. If I see NPC walking by and I try to talk to them they don't even look at me or if they have their backs turned on me they don't turn around to face me in conversation.

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For some reason the problem is solved. NPCs working fine again while in convo. I disabled bunch of mods, animation mods or mods which affect NPCs. Tinkered with alternate camera settings too. Not sure what fixed the issue, but everythings fine now.

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  • 9 months later...

[FIX] you need to update and run nemesis with correct mods selected. add nemesis - output to your mods by right clicking overwrite, create mod and name it "nemesis - output". using Mod Organizer 2. if you need help with this look up a video on overwrite MO2.

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