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Voice Actor interested in collaborating for a Dragonborn/Orc Tav voice


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Hey everyone, I'm a voice actor and I would love to help someone replace out one of the male Tavs for a gruffer voice. It would obviously be a huge undertaking, but if anyone has the know how on how to handle it, I'm game. Love this world and I think this would be a very welcome addition. Also, I feel it is an inevitability that people will be tempted to use AI voices to do this themselves, and I want to push back against that. Just to give you an idea, here's some samples.


Dragonborn Example:



Half-Orc Example:



Problem is I have none of the technical knowledge on how this would be done. If anyone is interested in taking this on with me, please let me know!


Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

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i hope someone takes you up on this, you have a great voice. the dragonborn voice sorta reminds me of Keith David


I appreciate that. I based that voice off of the Arbiter, who I feel has a very appropriately regal yet slightly threatening voice for a Dragonborn, so I'm glad it was picked up on.

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Man, this is exciting. I've been thinking the exact same thing. The game needed some deep voices.

I actually looked into adding more voices and it seems like they are all over the place. I'm really hoping someone has the patience to add these. This would make the game 1000x more immersive.

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