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NVSE not launchin


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I just reinstalled Fallout, Nexus mod manager and ALL mods. I also deleted all fallout related files left after deinstall from the drive and installed the game again. Here's where my problem starts. I installed only a bunch of mods (see screenshot). When i start the game, Project Nevada shouts it does not see NVSE. The same happens when I use the GetNVSEVersion command. It does not initialize.


I used mods in Bethesda games since oblivion so I know what I'm doing. Here's the things I did:

- Tried adding NVSE to anti-virus exceptions

- Added "run as administrator" to fallout and nvse exe files

- tried using several versions of NVSE, including the archived ones and the newest beta

- tried running the game without mods which do not use NVSE (NVSE still does not load)

- tried running it in different ways: NVSE loader, NMM, Steam


Nothing seems to work. The problem is, I played New Vegas in 2013 just fine, before summer. This problem never occured before. Can anyone help me with this?

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Thanks for the reply. Here is my log file attached - hope this is the correct one.




[Edit: hmm, noticed it's quite short, so I'm also attaching the content so it's not necessary to download]


nvse loader 03000020 01CF0B2B99F35E51
procPath = D:\steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas enplczru\FalloutNV.exe
launching: FalloutNV.exe (D:\steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas enplczru\FalloutNV.exe)
dwSignature = FEEF04BD
dwStrucVersion = 00010000
dwFileVersionMS = 00010004
dwFileVersionLS = 0000020D
dwProductVersionMS = 00010004
dwProductVersionLS = 0000020D
dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017
dwFileFlags = 00000000
dwFileOS = 00000004
dwFileType = 00000001
dwFileSubtype = 00000000
dwFileDateMS = 00000000
dwFileDateLS = 00000000
version = 000100040000020D
steam exe
hook call addr = 00ECC46B
load lib addr = 00FDF0B0
dll = D:\steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas enplczru\nvse_1_4.dll
main thread id = 5972
hookBase = 001D0000
loadLibraryAAddr = 75CA4977
hook thread complete
Edited by madnagash
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If anyone ever has the same problem, this is how I finally solved it:


I did one of the two following things and NVSE started running again. I am not sure which one of them was responsible for the problems:

1. I noticed that the whole Fallout New Vegas folder was marked as Read Only - don't know why, but I removed this status.

2. In the FalloutNV.exe file properties I noticed that the compatibility was set to Windows XP SP3. I removed any compatibility options.

I then opened New Vegas using Nexus Mod Manager (Launch NVSE) and my NVSE is working properly along with all the mods.

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