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7 Days To Die

MOD Request | LCB gives equal permissions to every Ally


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Hello there,


i am looking for someone to help me out with this mod request.


The mod should be serverside only so EAC can stay on.


When the Land claim block gets placed it should not only register the Person who placed the block instead it should give the same rights to the people who are Allies with the person who placed the LCB. i tried myself to finde the necessary files but i was unsuccessful to find what i need.

I don't know much about modding 7d2d specifically but from other programs and languages that i know there should be at least two Approachs to make this work.


the first one i would try is this: in the moment when the LCB is placed down and the permission for the other blocks are set -> a script repeats the "set permission" for every ally or group member of the person.


if this doesn't work i would try to find the spot where the permission for certain activity's like "Pickup" are located and change these to also include allies or party members which ever is easier

i think we all know that it is hard to write down a idea but i would appreciate help, i would also be fine if someone can show me the files which are handling the LCB so i can try myself.



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