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7 Days To Die

Change Deployment Target Path


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My target path is currently deploying mods to a Vortex created folder called mods inside of the games mods folder. How can I change it so Vortex deploys mods to the parent folder instead of the child folder? If I delete the entire mods folder, Vortex will recreate both the parent and child mods folders and deploy the mods inside the child folder.
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  • 3 months later...

Anyone?  Same issue and its oddly causing no recipes to show (probably a bad mod rather than location but the added variable is annoying)

Where does vortex store its target mod path for a game and/or how can you change it?

uninstalled, reinstalled... apparently still has a specific config somewhere in vortex.

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Fixed it - odd though.

Not quite sure how it triggered to reset the UDF but that was it.


settings > mods > mods staging folder is contextual - so its specific to the game you're manipulating - vs having a selectable setting by game - i reset that, but that's the staging folder and not really the UDF

I removed vortex managing then uninstalled multiple times 

I then forgot to remove vortex managing, uninstalled the game and when i restarted vortex it asked me for my UDF  and all set

Might be an extra step - when uninstalled via steam there were a bunch of files left over - uninstalled again, deleted everything in the app folder, reinstalled

that was likely it.  There was a mod deployment path in one of the json files - i updated but it was already in the bad folder

likely best to just uninstall, remove everything manually from app folder and move on

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  • 5 months later...

I also ran into this issue and found a solution. This thread popped up on a google search so Im going to post here even though the topic is older:

The location of the file storing the User Defined Folder for Vortex:

C:\Users\{Your user name here}\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\launchersettings.json

You can either open the file and edit the location, or you can trash it and have Vortex prompt you for a new location.  I hope this helps anyone else having the same issue.

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