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Pipboy-2500 and armor with "tokens" : incompatible ?


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I have a issue with this mod and a power armor that use "tokens".


Explain : when my player is wearing it, add several addons : visions, stealth, etc, in my inventory.


And when I remove this armor, these addons are removed automatically (by tokens and scripts associated with thèses "tokens")

When I consult this Pip-Boy 2500 only, it is like I remove this armor : my addons are removed and re-added immediately.


So If I have assigned hotkeys to them : i must do it again...

It's very frustring, because these mods Pip-Boy 2500 or Pip-Boy Radius are extra. I'm feed up to this awful Pip-Boy 3000 that difform clothes on you left arm (power armor especially)


Will he change that I could possibly do at the script of operating this pip-boy 2500, so that it avoids the inconvenience me?

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