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7 Days To Die

If You are ran into this : InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.


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This is to someone in the future may ran into that ugly red message poping up and stop you to play the game. / i have seen many requests what could cause this, therefore i decided to share my findings. /

So, I build a huge base.. Many possibilities...

When suddenly the above message started to appear. I tried to look up the log file, but that gives only hexadecimal numbers and a bunch of nonsense.


i thought there must be an illegal alien.... i mean an illegally operational block what causing this. i made a copy from save game and start deleting now without risk part of the base.

Chunk or region reset does not work as it will erase your base as well!


i got luck and the first segment of the base i deleted was the medical department. Inside of it i found a dev block, i placed the X-ray display. it was switched on what i did not do it. On basing settings, any block what can be switched on is on the off state and during normal game play you can place but you can't switch on dev blocks. So it must have been a glitch when i placed it.

After destroying that, the error went away . Saved the day!


So, don't panic when that error message poping up and stopping you to enjoy for the game. Find the block causing it, delete it and keep playing.


1. make a copy from the saved game. C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\


2. the error pops up around 5 or 6 chunks away from the invalid block itself.


3. delete part of your base.


4 go away and come back. if the error message pops up, go delete the next section of the base.


5, rinse and repeat.


6, when you found the problematic area and message not appear any more, than load back the copied saved game and start shrinking the area until you find that 1 block.


Can be time-consuming but for me it was ok. good luck


Edited by AdmiralMaximus
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