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Enclave Power Armour Model


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Greetings all.


It suddenly occurred to me earlier that there is a small “problem” with the model for the Enclave Power Armour: the shoulder pieces don’t actually attach to the armour in any way.

(I don't have a picture, but it is quite simple to see in-game, especially when viewed from above)


It shouldn’t be too difficult to fix this by editing the model ever so slightly to somehow connect the shoulder pieces to the armour body.

However, as I lack the software required to actually perform this edit, I put the question to the community:


Can someone with the tools and skills create a fixed model for the Enclave power armour, or if such a fixed model already exists, could someone please point me in the required direction?


Edit: Also, if someone is going to make a model, could you please include a collar (there is a mod that adds a collar to the armour, but unfortunately, the floating shoulder-pieces remain...).

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