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A vocal Lone Wanderer


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With the exception of written dialogue, the lone wanderer never says anything. The most you'll ever hear your character utter is a grunt or two. Would it be possible to have dialogue (really just sound files) play during specific moments? I don't want anything along the lines of the player character actually reading the dialogue, I just want him to say stuff... like when he enters battle or something.


For instance, as soon as you are spotted, lets have your character say "ITS TIME TO KICK ASS AND CHEW BUBBLEGUM, AND I'M ALL OUT OF BUBBLEGUM"


When he gets shot, he could say "I'VE GOT BALLS OF STEEL"


When he scores a critical headshot, he could say "I'LL RIP OFF YOUR HEAD AND poo DOWN YOUR NECK"


Obviously, these are Duke Nukem lines, and this would be in no way serious, and I think that it would be awesome. I mean, why do Jericho and Fawkes get to say cheesy lines when entering battle, but not you?!

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