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Stardew Valley

Mod Request - Confirm Before Warp


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BLUF:Is there a way to have the warp items have a dialogue pop-up confirming before using, freezing the world? This way if you're using it in combat, it still freezes the world, but if you're just trying to select the pick axe, it doesn't send you home.


You ever accidently hit the return scepter instead of the item or tool next to it? Ever do it at level 87 in skull cavern? I have. It's simultaneously shocking and agonizing watching all the progress zip away in a cloud of smoke. But if I drink a coffee, the world freeze to make sure I wanted to do that.




I think this is a simple request. Heck, if someone directs me to a crash course on modding, I'll even try it.

Edited by JukeRedlin
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