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My DC Monument MOD


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Well, ive been downloading and makinfg FO3 mods recently, and (since oblivion's Imperial Tower) Have always wanted to make a house somewhere high with a view, i havent goten around to doing the oblivion one but ive had a try at FO3


Heres my restults-- bare bones ATM with just the outa house, no cells-- all positioned in CELL DC9 , Results are ok... exept the view is crapy after 500 m because the terrain lacks detail and goes away for good... PLEASE, if someone can help me, either with the view or just puting in lifts/cool stuff.. i would be more than happy, oh and i dont mind supplying the File-


Heres some screenies, its like a Megaton- home away from home.


More screens will come in second post



Thanks all



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  Callighan said:
It's a bit too big for that kind of structure to support ain't it?

But since it looks like you've done quite an amount of work, I'm giving it a thumbs up.


Some parts look really creative.




thanks man, yeh does look a bit big- maby put some jets underneath the structure to support or maby another house on the other side to balance?



the tower is pretty big though.

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