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A more immersive/interesting sleep wait menu mod?


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I was surprised after a 15 minute web and nexus search that no one has made a simple (not adding options, etc) replacer for the default sleep wait menu (sleepwaitmenu.swf). I don't have the ability or capability of editing a shock wave files, but if someone can, it'd be nice to have a more role play friendly sleep wait screen background.


Perhaps it could be possible to have one for outdoors and a different one for indoors sleeping. Maybe some

animated hearth fire or weather effects could be possible.


When I played Betrayal at Krondor or Might & Magic back in the day, I recall the Inns or Taverns screen, they were mostly static screens but often had some audio and animation effects, it was very successful.


At the moment the black blank sleep wait screen seems very old fashioned in comparison.

Edited by Kuldebar
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