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Bow Size is wrong when equipped in hand


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When I first started playing and first started fiddling with Racemenu weapon scale, I did so in the body scales tab, not knowing any better. Of course, they showed at those scales when *unequipped", but once drawn (edit: "equipped" just in case "drawn" is a confusing word to use), poof, they were back to oversized again.


For me, the way I eventually fixed this was to use Racemenu to


a) reset any weapon values in Body Scales to 1


b) use ONLY the Weapons section of Racemenu instead to adjust weaponry sizes and orientation and leave the associated entries in Body Scales alone and set to 1. Under weapons you'll find both scale and positional adjustments. (up/down/left/right/forward/backward/yaw/pitch/roll).


Also note that for dual-wield capable weapons, you'll find the entry and a left version (ex: Sword, Sword left). Both need to be adjusted if you carry dual wield or one will look right and the other will still be oversized.

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PS> I usually set (edit: weapon) scale values to values lower than the scale of my player. For instance, my most recent female player is a short chick (maybe 5'1", or 5'2") using a global scale of 0.94. Her weapons are all set in the ~0.84 to 0.91 scale, which seems to shrink them to sizes more in line with what I'd think realistic for her stature and her hand size. I even reduce the weapon scales for my male vanilla height player, since they're all oversized well beyond sensibility.




PS> again, I'd avoid messing with any weaponry values you see in the standard body scales tab of Racemenu and just focus your edits of weapons values to the weapons scale tab, and make sure to adjust both right hand (not stated in Racemenu as such) and the left handed values (explicitly stated as "left" in the menu

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