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railgun (a red faction favorite)


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Somebody should make a gun like the railguns in the redfaction series (preferable the original)


base it off sniper rifle

since the gun has x-ray sights maybe just add a life detect effect to the scope or something like that (i wont be picky :wink: )


but i dont know how you would get it to shoot through walls though maybe fose could help the talented modder with this task

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The request was for one LIKE the original Red Faction rail gun, which was probably the coolest rail gun of any game I've ever seen! The breech loading, single shot awesomeness that made me love that game (other than the double barreled 10ga.).


I hereby second the motion. But I like the sound of the sonic boom from the OA Guass Cannon, I think a reskin to the Red Faction rail gun with the breech loading animation would make an awesome mod.

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