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head tracking options?


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I've recently installed a voice to add immersion, but there's still the "immersive" problem of my player's head movements (random slow speed scanning) and never really focusing on the person to whom it is "talking" to. (it feels disrespectful, even if "it's just a silly game")


So... I had a head tracking mod (can't recall the name) installed a long time ago (v 1.5.80 days), but it never really stopped the distracted attitude of the player while in dialog. Instead, I recall that it mainly just rough pointed your head in whichever direction the mouse was pointing. As a result, it was eventually uninstalled sometime in mid 2020.


So here's the question.


Which current head tracking mods (if any?) actually cause the player to lock in on a target, not just turn their head roughly "that way", but actually target and lock in to an NPC's face while in dialogue with them? So their eyes aren't wandering all over like some distracted highschool princess or princeling?.



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