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[Mod Request] Ranger Subclass Drakewarden


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I would really love to have the Drakewarden from the Fizban's Treasury of Dragons player book has a subclass for Baldur's Gate 3. It has been my most favorite subclass of D&D and I would really love to do my very first run as this subclass.


Since there is a red dragon model in the game and there is the Beastmaster subclass, I believe it would be possible to mod this (maybe not perfectly like the book, but something that is close).


If its not possible, I would love at least to have the possibility to summon a smaller version of a red dragon has a Beastmaster so I can ''simulate'' to be a Drakewarden.

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I'd like to second this request. A mod for this would probably require a lot of work to set up, however.


The drake companion starts as a small, wingless drake, then grows to medium with wings at 7th level. The drake grows to full large size at 15th level, which isn't possible in BG3 without level uncapper mods. However, the drake companion has a customizable appearance (not just red), and you can pick resistance/breath weapon on each summon.

The change at higher level I hope is possible, considering things like spirit weapon changes and adds more options when cast at a higher spell level. And I hope the resistance/breath weapon choice is possible, considering things like chromatic orb.

Edited by NovaPolaris
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I agree that to make it exactly like in the book, it would be a lot of work, and I really want that.


But ''for a start'', using the red dragon model (who still have his wings) that change size depending your lvl (or simply have the option of size instead of ''which creature to choose'' when using the summon spell) is more possible (and easier) to do, while using the Dragonborn's Breath for the class.


Even though I would love to have exactly what is the subclass in the book, there are some things we can't do in this game. Even some subclass in the game doesn't fully respect what is in the book.

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Its been some time and the only mod that actually use a dragon model is ''Necromancer Subclass for Warlock - Dread Overlord'', and he doesn't move. After finishing the game once, it looks like the dragon doesn't have a walk animation, only a flight animation teleport type. but I still think it is possible to make the Drakewarden, but maybe not exactly how it is in the book, except editing a lot the model.


I would want to ask someone to make it, I don't have the skills to make mods.

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A mod like this might be a lot of work, but I would dearly love to see it happen eventually.

I think one way you might be able to get around the walkless dragon model would be to reskin the Owlbear cub model since it does have a walking animation and then slap on the dragon abilities to that model.

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