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Editing NPCS


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I would like to edit a companion's face.


I've seen people upload their own companions using TESC. However, my TESC crashes(no crash log, just tints white and shuts off) when I click on face tab.Tried everything to fix it, reinstall TESC, reinstall OB. I tried Face Exchange, but it seems to only affect the players face. I also don't see the 'render' window working.


To the point: I would like to open the esp file and edit the the face to my liking. Is there a way I can use showracemenu for NPCS in game?


Any suggestions, as well as help getting TESC to work would be appreciated.


Running a nice up to date system with w7. So I shouldn't have this problem.

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Have you done work on the companion and saved the esp before the crashes started ?

If so try a new version of the esp.

Is the companion working in game ? If not there may be something wrong with the installation of the mod.

Other than that - are you using the latest version of CS ? Is your game patched to 1.2.0416 ?

Does W7 have the UAC issue of Vista ? (I'm on XP so unfamiliar with both)

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Have you done work on the companion and saved the esp before the crashes started ?

If so try a new version of the esp.

Is the companion working in game ? If not there may be something wrong with the installation of the mod.

Other than that - are you using the latest version of CS ? Is your game patched to 1.2.0416 ?

Does W7 have the UAC issue of Vista ? (I'm on XP so unfamiliar with both)


I have not done any work, thus far. However this issue does not occur with just this mod esp file. It occurs with the master files as well.

The companions work flawless.

I'm using the latest CS.

My UAC is disabled for W7. Most of the crashes happen when trying to access the face editor for the mods.


I ran CCleaner to fix any registry problems, and next I will delete the ini file.

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Try using the XP-compatibility mode..

(The screen will not hang on loading files as well, and the height-map editor can be used without problems)


Running it by using the run as administrator could help as well.. don't know with UAC off though..

Its better to install oblivion in a non-program files- folder, turning off UAC isn't always a good thing....

I recently done so ... (2 days ago)


Never had any of those problems with win7 though :huh:

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Try using the XP-compatibility mode..

(The screen will not hang on loading files as well, and the height-map editor can be used without problems)


Running it by using the run as administrator could help as well.. don't know with UAC off though..

Its better to install oblivion in a non-program files- folder, turning off UAC isn't always a good thing....

I recently done so ... (2 days ago)


Never had any of those problems with win7 though :huh:


Ill try XP mode, and I deleted the ini file.


I can access the face editor using the master files now, however the copy/paste feature crashes the program. And the render of the face wont appear anywhere.




Now the face is rendering, and I don't seem to crash so far. I will report success after being able to edit a face and see the changes in game. :)





I edited the face to my liking, however when I clicked ok, and went back to edit the face again, the render locked up and crashed - erasing my work on the face.




Okay, so I've narrowed the problem down the to app itself being picky. When going to edit the face the render must be checked before editing, otherwise it just crashes.


Thank you both for your help and suggestions.

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strange...Maybe trying to do a little and then save and then do all?

most annoying part is that win7 lets things crash immediately, instead of waiting...

Is that happening to you as well, or only when you click?


Could have to do with you graphics driver version or if you have to many programs left open..

Other than that.. I don't know...


Haven't even though about that :).. I always do that...

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If that's on Seven, chances are the UAC is still a little messed up.


On Vista/Vista SP1 you might consider TweakUAC to keep its behavior consistent - I stick to Quiet Mode whenever I'm dabbling into the CS, myself. And Run as Administrator is a definite plus.


Still, be warned that random crashes are still bound to happen no matter what. For me, they've been rare, but still... Keep backups of your ESPs and save often.

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