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Tenpenny replaces Megaton with a new glorious city?


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This isnt a request of course but a suggestion.

Since mod requests are rarely fulfilled anyway :P.


I was thinking, see if the player chooses to blow up Megaton with its Atomic Bomb with Mr.Burke and Tenpenny and get a new home at Tenpenny Tower and all?


Tenpenny himself stated to the player if you say to him How his Tower is very successful and all that, he says something like, "Yes many people may say this is my crowning achievment, but no...no my friend this is just the Beginning!..." which therefore means he intends to construct new buildings and all etc.


So basically I thought, it would be really cool to actully replace the blown up and radiated ruins of Megaton, cleaned up, and replace with a newly Constructed city, perhaps renamed, "Tenpenny City" or something like that I dont know lol :D.


I thought it would be really cool for once to have a normal, clean, unradiated new shining city in the Wasteland than having all the same wrecked scrap metal villages and all, u know? And if Megaton was not replaced it would just leave Rivet City left :(. Since Megaton and Rivet City are the only 2 Cities in the game, and having Megaton blown up only leaves the only 1 Rivet City, so I thought it would be cool to replace it :P.

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I know it's a game but... why would you want to build a town over a piece of land where an atomic bomb was detonated a few days earlier?

They have a medicine which can remove radiation from a person's body in an instant...nothing in the game makes much sense anyways so why not just go with it?

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Well I basically just thought of this cause it would really suck for Rivet City to be the only city in the Capital Wasteland, being the whole game :(. Personally I wouldve thought Megaton wouldve been replaced by default when its blown up by Tenpenny.
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Well I basically just thought of this cause it would really suck for Rivet City to be the only city in the Capital Wasteland, being the whole game :(. Personally I wouldve thought Megaton wouldve been replaced by default when its blown up by Tenpenny.

Makes sense, it is a little strange that there aren't more towns (with the Super Mutant/Raider/Slaver/Enclave etc. threats everywhere people would naturally congregate together for safety).


I do like the idea of a Tenpenny-esque town from a gameplay perspective, but it might feel a bit out of place.

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