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Skinshifter's Mod' Invisible on Transform; please help


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The Mod in question:

So I've been using this skinshifter mod and I messed up my previous install of mods. So I had to reinstall them all and switched to MO2 as my mod loader. Everything was going fine until I encountered one of them in game.

Every time they transform they turn invisible once they finish transformation. The problem lies in that before I did my reinstall of everything, the mod worked. The only difference between what I did then and now is I was using Vortex but didn't like how the mod sorting worked on it, so I switched to MO2 because of that reason.

I've tried many different load orders because it doesn't break my game for them to go invisible, it's just kind of disappointing when I find one because of this issue. I don't know how to fix it because I am not very familiar with xEdit and am still learning exactly how to to read conflicts and how to fix them. I've tried to look at it in xEdit too and it doesn't seem to have any conflicts inside it with other mods (and I've barely scratched the surface on fixing conflicts myself)

It doesn't seem to matter where I put it in my load order either, it doesn't ever seem to fix the invisibility on transformation.

It's also very difficult to test it because the manually spawned ones don't transform immediately when I attack them, they'll fight as their human form/disguise. The manually spawned ones only transform once they're leading an NPC away. The times I've found one naturally, I've saved and tested all sorts of load orders because I really think it is a load order issue that I just can't figure out on my own.

Load orders I've tested:

Very top and above everything
Last in the load order
Before and after any extra armor mods
Before and after AI mods
Before and after city overhauls
Before and after other creature mods
Before and after appearance overhaul mods

Does anyone else have any suggestions? I've never posted here before because I could usually troubleshoot the load order myself, but this one has me utterly stumped. I'm sorry if I over explained, or wasn't clear enough.

Edit: For some reason it randomly started to work properly and I'm not sure why, I'm gonna leave the thread open in case that randomly changes. I've seen older comments on the mod that some people were also having the same problem previously.

Edited by archidaequiem
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