Guest deleted42812865 Posted August 19, 2023 Share Posted August 19, 2023 I'm at my wit's end with an infuriating issue I've encountered while trying to enjoy my heavily modded Fallout 4 experience. Despite numerous attempts at troubleshooting, I continue to face game crashes that have now become almost insurmountable. I'm reaching out to the community in hopes of finding someone who might have encountered a similar issue or can offer some fresh insights.The Predicament: Every time I attempt to access any option on the main menu, my game crashes to desktop (CTD). I've done everything within my power to fix this, from reinstalling the game to starting from scratch with a clean slate for both the game and my mod manager (Vortex). This includes painstakingly reinstalling all my mods and verifying the integrity of my game files multiple times.Further Details: Main Menu CTD: Initially, my game was crashing immediately upon trying to access any option on the main menu. However, after some troubleshooting, I managed to partially fix this issue. Now, the game doesn't crash upon accessing the main menu, but the CTD occurs when I refresh my load order in the in-game mod tab. This is particularly frustrating because I need to refresh my load order to get certain mods, like Looksmenu, to work properly. However, my game will ctd on using any option on the main menu if i disable any mods in an attempt to fix the ctd on using the in game load order. Sort of a rock and a hard place situation. Crash Logger Complications: I'd love to utilize Buffout4 as a crash logger, but attempting to open the game with Buffout4 installed also triggers a CTD. My Attempted Solutions:Thoroughly reinstalling the game from scratch.Clean installation of Vortex mod manager.Reinstallation of all mods with meticulous care to ensure proper compatibility.Frequent verification of game file integrity.Manual adjustment of load order to minimize conflicts.Disabling and enabling mods in small batches to pinpoint potential culprits.Researching extensively for similar issues and possible solutions.What I'm Desperately Seeking:Any insights into why the load order refresh crashes are occurring.Alternative suggestions for crash logging since Buffout4 isn't feasible.Tips for diagnosing conflicts and pinpointing the troublesome mod(s).Experience-based advice from those who've overcome similar issues.Creative troubleshooting strategies that might uncover the underlying problem. Finally here is my gargantuan load order, I understand that the amount of mods im running is a likely cause of this but I want to keep as many of them as I can: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm254 FE 0 ccbgsfo4001-pipboy(black).esl254 FE 1 ccbgsfo4004-pipboy(camo02).esl254 FE 2 ccbgsfo4006-pipboy(chrome).esl254 FE 3 ccbgsfo4014-pipboy(white).esl254 FE 4 ccbgsfo4018-gaussrifleprototype.esl254 FE 5 ccbgsfo4023-powerarmorskin(camo02).esl254 FE 6 ccbgsfo4025-powerarmorskin(chrome).esl254 FE 7 ccbgsfo4033-powerarmorskinwhite.esl254 FE 8 ccbgsfo4038-horsearmor.esl254 FE 9 ccbgsfo4041-doommarinearmor.esl254 FE a ccbgsfo4042-bfg.esl254 FE b ccfsvfo4001-modularmilitarybackpack.esl254 FE c ccfrsfo4001-handmadeshotgun.esl254 FE d ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl254 FE e ccfsvfo4003-slocum.esl254 FE f ccgcafo4001-factionws01army.esl254 FE 10 ccgcafo4002-factionws02acat.esl254 FE 11 ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl254 FE 12 ccgcafo4004-factionws04gun.esl254 FE 13 ccgcafo4005-factionws05hrpink.esl254 FE 14 ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl254 FE 15 ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl254 FE 16 ccgcafo4008-factionws08inst.esl254 FE 17 ccgcafo4009-factionws09mm.esl254 FE 18 ccgcafo4010-factionws10rr.esl254 FE 19 ccgcafo4011-factionws11vt.esl254 FE 1a ccgcafo4012-factionas01acat.esl254 FE 1b ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl254 FE 1c ccgcafo4014-factionas03gun.esl254 FE 1d ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl254 FE 1e ccgcafo4016-factionas05hrshark.esl254 FE 1f ccgcafo4017-factionas06inst.esl254 FE 20 ccgcafo4018-factionas07mm.esl254 FE 21 ccgcafo4019-factionas08nuk.esl254 FE 22 ccgcafo4020-factionas09rr.esl254 FE 23 ccgcafo4021-factionas10hrflames.esl254 FE 24 ccgcafo4022-factionas11vt.esl254 FE 25 ccgcafo4023-factionas12army.esl254 FE 26 ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl 7 7 ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm254 FE 27 ccswkfo4002-pipnuka.esl254 FE 28 ccswkfo4003-pipquan.esl254 FE 29 ccfrsfo4002-antimaterielrifle.esl254 FE 2a cceejfo4002-nuka.esl254 FE 2b ccbgsfo4009-piporan.esl254 FE 2c ccbgsfo4028-powerarmorskinorange.esl254 FE 2d ccsbjfo4001-solarflare.esl254 FE 2e ccbgsfo4116-heavyflamer.esl254 FE 2f ccbgsfo4108-ws_childrenofatom.esl254 FE 30 ccbgsfo4103-as_tunnelsnakes.esl254 FE 31 ccbgsfo4099-as_reillysrangers.esl254 FE 32 ccbgsfo4098-as_pickman.esl254 FE 33 ccbgsfo4096-as_enclave.esl254 FE 34 ccbgsfo4095-as_childrenofatom.esl254 FE 35 ccbgsfo4082-pipprc.esl254 FE 36 ccbgsfo4081-pipphenolresin.esl254 FE 37 ccbgsfo4035-pint.esl254 FE 38 ccbgsfo4047-qthund.esl254 FE 39 ccbgsfo4046-tescan.esl254 FE 3a cccrsfo4001-pipcoa.esl 8 8 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp 9 9 XDI.esm 10 a HUDFramework.esm 11 b workshopframework.esm 12 c ArmorKeywords.esm 13 d AAF.esm254 FE 3b PPF.esm 14 e SouthOfTheSea.esm254 FE 3c MoreWildlife.esl 15 f CWPointLookoutFO4.esm 16 10 NewCalibers.esp 17 11 TheMarshland.esm 18 12 TortureDevices.esm 19 13 Devious Devices.esm254 FE 3d SwimmingAnims.esl254 FE 3e KillTips_by_tooun.esl 20 14 TrueStormsFO4.esm 21 15 ProtoArgonianRace.esp 22 16 TacticalReload.esm254 FE 3f VC_Gage_Fix.esl254 FE 40 HiPolyFacesCompanionPlugin.esl254 FE 41 CoAFanaticsGirl.esl254 FE 42 AAFThemes.esl 23 17 OVT.esp254 FE 43 SavrenX SuperMutant Armor HD.esp254 FE 44 SavrenX HD Vanilla Armor.esp254 FE 45 SavrenX HD Vanilla Clothes Optimized.esp254 FE 46 AWHD2KFull.esp 24 18 visiblecompanionaffinity.esp 25 19 Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp 26 1a Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp 27 1b dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp 28 1c WastelandCannibals.esp 29 1d EAMR.esp 30 1e PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp 31 1f Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters.esp 32 20 Armorsmith Extended.esp254 FE 47 VividFallout - AiO - BestChoice.esp 33 21 hdreworkedprojectrevised.esp 34 22 SD-Starlight-Overhaul.esp 35 23 MutilatedDeadBodies.esp254 FE 48 SouthOfTheSea[Previs].esp 36 24 subwayrunnnernodynamic.esp 37 25 clothingoverhaul.esp 38 26 1echo.esp 39 27 OutcastsAndRemnants.esp 40 28 MojaveImports.esp 41 29 More Armor Slots - All Dlc.esp 42 2a SalemEXPANDED.esp 43 2b SuperMutantRedux.esp 44 2c Depravity.esp 45 2d RaiderOverhaul.esp 46 2e The Train.esp 47 2f ImprovedBoS.esp 48 30 Mansion.esp 49 31 TrainBar.esp 50 32 AA FusionCityRising.esp 51 33 AA FusionCityRising - HotC.esp 52 34 Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp 53 35 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp 54 36 WBO.esp 55 37 SanctuaryHotSpringHome.esp 56 38 FarHarborStory.esp 57 39 NIS - Hunted.esp 58 3a SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp 59 3b Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content-VIS.esp 60 3c CustomRaceHeadgearRedux.esp 61 3d WZWildWasteland.esp 62 3e Immersive Fallout (DLC).esp 63 3f W.A.T.Minutemen.esp 64 40 Relic Space Marine.esp 65 41 ImprovedBoSRedux.esp 66 42 The Space Marine.esp 67 43 DCGuard_Overhaul.esp 68 44 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp 69 45 ArmyDepotOmega.esp 70 46 MikeMooresMCAM.esp 71 47 FlamerOverhaul.esp254 FE 49 Fallout 4 AI Overhaul.esp 72 48 Claustrophobia.esp 73 49 ImprovedBoSRedux-Uniforms.esp254 FE 4a Unused Map Markers - Cut Content Restored.esp 74 4a children of ug qualtoth.esp 75 4b KellyManor.esp 76 4c USNBOSTONWRECK-WithMarker.esp 77 4d Vivid Waters.esp 78 4e Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment_GunForHire_Addon.esp 79 4f CombinedArmsNV.esp 80 50 CombinedArmsEXPack.esp 81 51 Skb_RiflesRebirth.esp 82 52 M2_Flamethrower_2.2.esp 83 53 mk41gyrojethmg.esp 84 54 CSEPLoadedBases.esp 85 55 bridgefix.esp 86 56 DOOMMerged.esp 87 57 MisriahArmory.esp 88 58 Wastelanders XM2076 by giggity12345.esp 89 59 ProjectValkyrie.esp 90 5a LoadedBasesFSDPatch.esp 91 5b ak5c.esp 92 5c The Metro.esp254 FE 4b CROSS_2077.esp254 FE 4c CROSS_MojaveManhunter.esp 93 5d Ketaros_World.esp 94 5e Tomacuzi9.esp 95 5f RealHandcuffs.esp 96 60 ar_dlc01.esp 97 61 MK18.esp 98 62 wattzlasergun.esp 99 63 SCAR-L.esp100 64 SSNPC - DCResidentsAIO.esp101 65 sw500.esp102 66 P90.esp103 67 CazadorML.esp104 68 F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp105 69 GrenadeExpansionPack.esp106 6a mk14.esp107 6b Submarine Base Echo.esp108 6c LString_Bow.esp109 6d rangergearnew.esp254 FE 4d SouthOfTheSea[PatchWZWildWasteland].esp110 6e skyriminspiredpowerarmor.esp111 6f NumbersStation.esp112 70 Heavy BoS.esp113 71 RU556.esp114 72 HaxRPG7.esp115 73 WastelandWideWarehouse.esp116 74 GaussRevolver.esp117 75 MWM19.esp118 76 AK74M.esp119 77 ElMudoStore.esp120 78 cambridgefacility.esp121 79 AtomicRadio.esp122 7a KellyMacabre.esp123 7b SkibsWeapons-REDUX.esp124 7c WinCowbowRepeater.esp125 7d MP7.esp126 7e 9x39Project.esp127 7f HoneyBadger.esp128 80 KrissVector.esp129 81 Remington.esp130 82 SuomiPP.esp254 FE 4e Remington870.esp131 83 m1garand.esp132 84 huntingrevolver.esp133 85 CROSS_GoreCrits.esp134 86 CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp135 87 HiPolyFaces.esp254 FE 4f CROSS_CoA.esp254 FE 50 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp136 88 CROSS_RugerMkV.esp137 89 CRX.esp254 FE 51 CustomRaceHeadgearRedux_Proto.esp138 8a DavesPoses.esp139 8b DD_bleu_Ump_Extreme_Lore_friendly_edition.esp140 8c TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp141 8d TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp142 8e Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp143 8f DarkerNights.esp144 90 RealAI.esp145 91 DarkerNightsDetection.esp146 92 5mmMinugun-47basedamage.esp147 93 Yona_Weapon_DefenseGun.esp148 94 DOOMDesertEagle.esp149 95 HN66Fo4_EasyGirl_BS.esp150 96 DCE_female_body_replacer_EasyGirl.esp151 97 RaceCustomizer.esp152 98 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp254 FE 52 DiscreteFemaleSkeleton.esp153 99 Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content.esp154 9a ApalLeotard.esp155 9b KSHairdos.esp156 9c Eli_Companions 9000 GTX.esp157 9d ESAFC_Cait.esp254 FE 53 DungeonRespawns.esp158 9e EatFood.esp159 9f WD_44.esp160 a0 EOLCoADecor.esp161 a1 Factor.esp162 a2 Scopes.esp163 a3 [ARRETH] FGEP.esp164 a4 Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp165 a5 FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part2.esp166 a6 FlaconOil_BA2_2K_Part3.esp167 a7 KSHairsFemsheppingRadbeetle.esp168 a8 Immersive_Molotovs_FlamerESP.esp169 a9 Quad_Fusillade.esp170 aa GasserRevolver.esp171 ab Ghouls Revamped.esp172 ac Godess Set Full.esp173 ad WeaponsHD.esp174 ae CapsWidget.esp175 af HuntingRifleSounds.esp176 b0 ImmersiveAnimationFramework.esp254 FE 54 IAF - Far Harbor & Nuka World.esp177 b1 ImprovedBoSRedux-Vertibirds.esp178 b2 IncreasedSettlerPopulation50.esp179 b3 power armor quick enter and exit.esp254 FE 55 Power Armor HUD Switcher.esp180 b4 DOOMLK05.esp181 b5 LegendaryModification.esp182 b6 LegendaryModification2LM.esp183 b7 LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp184 b8 LegendaryModificationCSA.esp185 b9 LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp186 ba LegendaryModificationMisc.esp187 bb DX_Leotard_Collection.esp188 bc Live Action Handy.esp189 bd LooksMenu.esp190 be LooksMirror.esp191 bf Lots More Facial Hair.esp192 c0 M1014.esp193 c1 M60.esp194 c2 azarponytailhairstyles.esp195 c3 0oicmilitaryclutter.esp196 c4 3dscopes-goty.esp197 c5 ZellaHairDye.esp198 c6 busty grrl.esp199 c7 mauser rifle pack.esp200 c8 campsite.esp201 c9 settlementlimitslashed.esp254 FE 56 AIO 2K Edition.esp202 ca AUG-A1.esp203 cb M9.esp204 cc DOOMMAC11.esp205 cd MutilatedDeadBodies-Workshop.esp206 ce MG42.esp207 cf MP-412.esp208 d0 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp209 d1 Minigun.esp210 d2 MagicianOutfit.esp211 d3 McMillanCS5.esp212 d4 Metro Gas Masks.esp213 d5 MinigunDamage.esp214 d6 MoreGenericNPCFaces.esp215 d7 Mosin.esp216 d8 NMC Bundle HIGH.esp217 d9 NPC Accuracy Revised.esp218 da Nexus_PMC.esp219 db No Underarmor Scalling.esp220 dc Nox Outfit.esp221 dd NukaRadBans.esp222 de Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp223 df OCDecorator.esp224 e0 OCDecoratorDLC.esp225 e1 OCDispenser.esp226 e2 Obi's Kinky Collection.esp254 FE 57 ODW - Winchester Model 1873.esp227 e3 ObiSportsWear.esp228 e4 PA increases your speed.esp229 e5 rpampas.esp230 e6 PA-Quick Animations.esp231 e7 BTPlaceableCorpses.esp232 e8 PowerArmorImpactEffects.esp233 e9 Prisoner Shackles.esp254 FE 58 Proto_Argonian_Piper_Replacer.esp254 FE 59 ProtoArgonianNPCs.esp254 FE 5a ProtoArgonianPlayer.esp234 ea RadiantBirdsv05.esp235 eb real.AI - Untethered.esp236 ec You Talk Too Much.esp237 ed Realistic_conversations.esp254 FE 5b RealHandcuffs_AWKCR_Compatibility.esp254 FE 5c RealHandcuffs_DD_Compatibility.esp238 ee RiotShotgun.esp254 FE 5d Elzee Breathe.esp239 ef ReconPack.esp240 f0 Edit_Hancock.esp241 f1 Shino Bikini Pack.esp242 f2 Slave&ModelPinup.esp243 f3 Spartan-Calyps.esp254 FE 5e StartMeUpShaunDefaultAppearance.esp244 f4 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp245 f5 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp246 f6 SuperMutantRedux_WeaponsmithExtended_Patch.esp254 FE 5f Physics Sound Overhaul.esp247 f7 SurvivalOptions.esp248 f8 M2216.esp249 f9 TheKite_HCD_SynthUniform.esp250 fa TheKite_HCD_SynthUniform_Replacer.esp251 fb TheKite_CaitSet.esp252 fc UnlimitedSettlementBudget.esp253 fd Third Person Movement Speed Fix.esp254 fe TheKite_VTS.esp255 ff VendorCaps.esp256 100 Toxic Raider Armour.esp257 101 WD_Pistol_Renimation_Pack.esp258 102 1CAS_serviceRifle.esp259 103 VtawWardrobe6.esp260 104 WBO-Automatron.esp261 105 WBO-Extended Weapon Mods.esp262 106 win1897.esp263 107 X01Light.esp264 108 Unique Mythic Deathclaws.esp265 109 Smoke-able Cigars.esp266 10a HN66-SiriusArmor.esp267 10b GrenadeExpansionPackAWKCRPatch.esp268 10c GrenadeExpansionPackLoadsPatch.esp269 10d Ev_CPA10.esp270 10e EV_CPA10_LL.esp271 10f MP5.esp272 110 rfortaleza2.esp273 111 rfortaleza2-mk1.esp274 112 P90NPC.esp275 113 detailedferalghouls.esp276 114 dinomore.esp277 115 512StandaloneHairColors.esp278 116 DX_Harley_Quinn_Outfit.esp279 117 ACR-W17.esp280 118 ASVektor.esp281 119 AK5CSkinPackAll.esp254 FE 60 Bullet Impact Overhaul.esp254 FE 61 Physics Sound OverhaulLowerCasings.esp254 FE 62 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp282 11a CannibalReworked.esp283 11b SlaveTattoos.esp284 11c CBBE.esp285 11d Chiappa_Rhino.esp286 11e CigaretteInMouth.esp287 11f chem redux.esp288 120 ChineseStealthSuit.esp289 121 CompanionAccuracy.esp290 122 Companion Infinite Ammo.esp291 123 Crimsomrider's Accessories.esp292 124 CraftableAmmo.esp293 125 CraftableAmmo_plus.esp294 126 CraftableAnimationMarkers.esp295 127 GS Beretta PX4.esp296 128 BetterShishkebab.esp297 129 StartMeUp.esp298 12a StartMeUpNukaWorldPatch.esp299 12b EnhancedLightsandFX.esp254 FE 63 ELFX Crash fix.esp Your assistance means the world to me as I'm fervently passionate about modding and transforming my Fallout 4 adventure. This hurdle has left me feeling incredibly frustrated for the past week, and any help provided would be extremely appreciated. Please, if you have any ideas or solutions to share, don't hesitate to respond. I'm open to all suggestions and immensely grateful for your support.Thank you sincerely Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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