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Far Cry

No Timer Glitch: "Ambush" Mission Unplayable


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So I have Ziggy's Mod installed and I've had no problems with it until I got to the ambush mission. I start the mission and go to plant the C4 on the truck, no problem. But then nothing happens, the convoy never arrives, and it keeps telling me to plant the C4, even though I already have! Even if I go up to the water tower and grab the sniper rifle, nothing happens. Also, I haven't seen any vehicles blocking the road which seems to have been a problem for others.


However, I have seen videos of this mission and the real problem seems to be that there is no timer. Videos of gameplay I've seen show a timer at the top counting down, but this never shows up on my screen. I've restarted the game and the mission but nothing has changed.


I'd love any advice on how to continue, any way to fix this or skip the mission? Don't know if it's a problem with Ziggys mod or not

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  • 4 months later...

I've got the same issue.

Win7, Nvidia, FC3 v.1.05, Ziggy's Mod (Casual version)


No mission timer. Mission stalls forever, can't move on from here at all.


Also, the C4 looks different on the fuel truck's placement icon, like a triple pack of Red TNT,

not sure if that matters.





Ok, I figured it out. You don't use the C4 key, you use the "Interact" key, this seems

typical for performing "special" actions in FC3. Same as when you have to climb into

Oliver's boat during his rescue mission, when the normal key would be Jump/Climb.

Edited by congoharrison
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