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Scarf and shirt


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Hey professional moderns I was wondering if any of yas would do me a solid favor and possibly make a mod that seperates the little red neck scarf red scarf from the red scarf ranger outfit and also if you make a mod that would make a checked shirt like Daniels checked shirt from honest hearts dlc seperate from pants so I could wear it with something else :), if someone could do this mod it would be greatly appreciated :)
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The scarf can already be done using Satchels http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35904/?



As for the shirt, not sure if you are going to be able to find anyone that can do it and have it come out right. Shirt and pants of all the outfits are one piece, they'd have to also create a number of pants with no shirt (or a few outfits like the ones the Kings wear that are pants with a very tight tshirt) so that the top part of the outfit didn't poke through the shirt (the shirt would have to be set to a different equip slot than regular armor).


If they did just the shirt you'd have to wear it only with outfits like that one King outfit, or the Die Hard outfit from Courier's Cache.

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