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Character Creation


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Don't worry, you could save before you leave the dungeon, so you will not have to change all if you want to play another character..


You should think about that light-armor though.. You're wearing the heavy kind right now..


Heavy armor is stronger, heavier, needs less repairs and gives a penalty on magic use...

Light armor is less strong, but light, needs often to be repaired but doesn't have the magic penalty...


Don't mind being stuck with it forever.. there are trainers around the game, so you could easily change you mind if

you want to change between heavy or light armor..


A skill being major, only means its more easy to increase..nothing more..

I see you have a lot on Luck as well... there's nothing wrong with that...the combo you have is good..

As counts for all, don't worry about making wrong choices, you could train yourself to use all skills...


Have fun ;)!

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I'd noticed before:). You've invested a lot inside your luck.

Its a small thing..focusing on that, provides a (slight) higher difficulty to the game, (less health because of a low endurance, a lower strength means longer fights, and you can carry less items...)

You could stay on it.. many chose strength and endurance when they are a fighter...


Not really...(merchants skill) Its one of those skills that you could better train in than have at start..

It may give some early advantage by having a little more money.. but is less useful compared to others)


Restoration and destruction are always good to have, but you have to invest in them eventually, otherwise it will be waisted...


I would go for the heavy armor right now...that's always a good one to start with and there is some cool heavy armor

once you've passed a certain level...



Try these pages..they contain quite some information: Character Creation

You can click on any of the skills to be linked with some info about it and a few tips...

And there's some general info on all classes that is quite useful too read....


After that,...don't worry! You can always change everything by training/using other skills!

And there are often people that have multiple characters...(some make a sport of it by creating a lot of them..)

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a few words in Italian...




La scelta dipende essenzialmente dal tuo stile di gioco e da come vuoi affrontare le sfide che ti porrà dinanzi Oblivion. Inoltre, tieni conto che (almeno con il sistema standard) le abilità salgono di valore a seconda di quanto le si usa.


Personalmente, se è il tuo primo personaggio ti consiglierei di valutare bene come vuoi iniziare a muoverti e di lasciarti un po' di spazio per "crescere" e approcci differenti. Sarà particolarmente importante se intendi portare avanti altre quest oltre a quella principale, come la carriera in una o più gilde e l'esplorazione intensiva del territorio di Tamriel.


Questo vale anche se stai creando la tua classe personalizzata; sui classici, i miei preferiti in ordine sparso: spada incantata, esploratore, stregone, lama notturna, cavaliere.


C'è comunque una pletora di oggetti ed effetti che potrai usare per personalizzare ulteriormente il tuo personaggio (diversi li otterrai come ricompense).


Valuta bene anche il tuo segno. Per un principiante, può essere utile sceglierne uno che attribuisca bonus e stabilità ragionevoli (es. La Signora), senza sbilanciare l'esperienza di gioco.




Hope this will help.

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