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I think that a TARDIS mod would be an obvious, but awesome mod for Starfield! Starfield even makes it seem like it's supposed to be in the game! Immersion wouldn't even be a big problem because you can go to different planets already! Being able to travel to different planets by piloting the TARDIS would be INCREDIBLE! Time travel is difficult to pull off in a game, so you wouldn't even need to worry about that (but if you wanted to, you could make it so that you can reset the flag that says you haven't been to a location before/It's your first time there). It could also be a really cool home too! I think this would be an awesome mod if done right! please consider this idea!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am fairly certain the creators of fallout who and fallout who Vegas are already planning on making one there is already a channel for it on there discord. if there previous doctor who mods for Bethesda games are anything to go off it will likely be good.

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  • 2 months later...

Imagine a new way to travel to different universes. Time travel would be possible by allowing the Tardis to target your questlines by resetting or progressing a certain questline to a point where you have or haven't completed a certain quest. Bonus, it would also allow companions from one universe to come with you to a new one. I know the Tardis isn't meant for universe travel, but it would be a fun way to have it.

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  • 1 year later...

I've been thinking about this too.  If it where possible to make a built ship's exterior invisible and replaced by a Tardis shell or inside a shell that looks like a Tardis then it might be just possible to make a Tardis ship that could actually fly around and land in starfield. Plus it would make a very cool mobile base. There is a mod already out there that does shell habs that comes to mind on this idea, except one would have to be larger and shaped like a Tardis of course. It might work to hide an actual ship build inside and get the look at least even if it would be an oversized Tardis. At least until someone could figure out how to add a ship interior to a Tardis exterior like with land based poi.  I would well look forward to that day. I am already playing a 1st Doctor look alike character that I created for starfield based off real images. We need a Tardis in Starfield, after all it has become a regular tradition in beth games (at least elder scrolls and fallout series). If the Fallout Who Team does this it would be cool. I like their mods for Fallout NV and Fallout 4. If I could figure it out I'd love to port their Fallout 4 TARDIS to starfield and have it work as a ship. I always wanted to do this for Morrowind even for my own use, but haven't figured out how to yet.

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