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Ghost busters protonpack i want it please


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the title pretty much says it all ive been trying to do it my self but i lack the time and skill so i figgerd id beg the pros i want the ghost busters proton pack so i can destroy things in fallout ive got ive got warloarg 0012 working on a rundown fire house and jump suit so all i need now is this anyone willing to undertake this project some ghosts and a ghost trap would be killer too but i wont push it lol thanks alot for your time guys











oh by the way anyone know what desertpunk is id like to get some stuff from that aswell mainly his helmet and shotgun let me know if your iterested

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Dude I made this request awhile ago.......as soon as I got news of the ghostbusters game that came out. Yeah I played that too and beat it.......the protonpack is wicked fun in that......it also had like 4 modes of fire.....proton,slime,stasis and some other thing..... anyway here is a link to my old request




oh yeah do you really have a suit modded????

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Dude I made this request awhile ago.......as soon as I got news of the ghostbusters game that came out. Yeah I played that too and beat it.......the protonpack is wicked fun in that......it also had like 4 modes of fire.....proton,slime,stasis and some other thing..... anyway here is a link to my old request




oh yeah do you really have a suit modded????



i've asked a friend to make it for mre so its 50/50 hes usually good for his word so i can let you know as soon as i get one


got to play gb's yesturday i bought it for pc and it dident work so i went to a friends and played it on wi omfg i hate wii but i had to play the game the new packs are damn sweet

ill keep you informed tho peace and thanks for the heads up

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