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Custom Grenade Object Effect


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Hi all,


Ok, since downloading the Artillery Strike mod --> http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1449 (WHICH IS GREAT)


When you shoot someone with the gun- they run towards you and the Artillery misses them, so what i wanted to do is be able to stand amongst the enemy when the Arty falls so they dont move- Ive done it before with god mode on and the effect is great-- but i want to make it realistic.


What ive done is made a custom enchantment, with resist radiation whatever.... and i want to bind it to a new grenade (proabaly Pulse grenade model) and be able to throw that on the ground at my feet.. it goes off, protects me for 10 seconds or whatever and the arty kills every thing but me./. Great idea, i got it off the HALO3 Trailer? Maby even some custom effects/models later but for now just what it does..


My dillemar is i can only change the Object Effect on a grenade when i create a new Weapon, I can't rename and edit a pre-existing grenade.... that sucks because i can't find the corect models for when im creating a new weapon... So i have to edit so i dont have to change the models/sounds .... Any ideas?? please


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