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[Mod Request] Hoodlum sublcass for rogue from Solasta


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I like a lot of the utility and flavor of being a rogue but I can't really find a combat style I'm happy with but then I realized I really want to sneak attack people with a large blunt object. I love the idea of playing a rogue thats more of a gang enforcer going around kneecapping people with a maul or warhammer and another 5e licensed game already had the perfect solution to that in the Hoodlum subclass.




I don't expect this request to be fulfilled and I completely understand, a whole new subclass is a lot to ask when there are a couple of mods that let you jury rig sneak attack onto any weapon but still, thought I would give it a shot. Would help me finalize my class plan for this character a ton instead of just constantly respeccing.

Edited by Dragonfaced
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