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Far Cry

Modding Help needed


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Hello together,

i need help to make my own mod.
Can someone tell me what files have to be modified to change the following:

1. Enable / disable Weapon owning by pickup

2. Enable / disable autoreload

3. Eanable / disable Minimap

4. Enable / disable tagging (camera)


5. Enable / disable AI sniper no laser

I hope someone can help me.....http://static5.cdn.ubi.com/u/ubiforums/20130918.419/images/smilies/smile.png

Thank you


Edited by goldendrake
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some one should have replied. Sorry i'm not as knowledgeable in this, but I know 2, 3, 4, 5 are already done in mods, if you find the mods that have this done, you can download, extract, and compare them w/ winmerge to vanilla files to see inside the files what is changed...


The files are in the patch.dat and you can even compare entire folders w/ winmerge and then it will show what xml's inside are different and you compare the lines inside, Even .libs converted into a folder you can compare those xml's too, .dat .lib .fcb can all be extracted and compared via winmerge

(does anyone have another program they use to compare files or w/e? I'd like to know what else is out there)


A text string should be english enough to tell what you need to change in your files. 1. sounds great IMO but IDK if I've seen it or if I'd do it ;) but it seems more immersive (considering in my own files I made the weapons fairly expensive (most are around 5-10k and signatures/best weapons are between 10-23k (i modded wallet sizes per upgrade as well for my own playing as money acumulates faster the more you play))

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