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Small change to FOOK.esm vendors request


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This is a very small change but would make my game and possibly everyone elses more enjoyable. While the FOOK mod is great, I found that (especally with MMM increased spawns) it is quite unforgiving as for as ammo quanaity. Enemies could give away 1/4 of the same ammo of what it took me to kill them with. Down the line, I would eventually run out of ammo even if I was being careful with aim and being conservative. (I'm trying to play this game as an RPG/FPS, not a survival horror game that's not even scary.) So I found the looting leveled lists regarding ammo from dead bodies (it was easy to find because the count was the same as the ammo I was getting) and I upped them to something more reasonable. As plentiful as it is now, I still would like an option to aquire a particular type of ammo that I want, besides using CRAFT - FOOK Ammo Schematics which while is very useful, a little cheap and making things a bit too easy.


More or less, I would like it to be able to buy ammo from vendors, something to spend my endless flow of caps on, but the amount of ammo FOOK makes the vendors sell would go away in seconds, that and only specific vendor sell specific types of ammo.


I can't for the life of me find a way change what they sell with FO3Edit, as I think it has do with actual modding in GECK, but more important, I found this levled list:


XZXVendorCGCyyyAmmoALL [LVLI:07019F8C]


If you look under XZXCGCVendorChestBuriedMoiraBrown, she has this leveld list. The problem is, under THAT list is compleley blank. I do not understand why this is the case. The levled list leads to nothing. Certain vendors have XZXVendorCGCyyyApparelALL and XZXVendorCGCyyyWeaponsALL, with approiate ALL apparel and ALL weapon leveled lists to it, but the AMMO one has nothing. I would think that if this list had actual ammo leveled lists in it, it would make the vendors sell ammo, (or more what they would normally) but I'm no modder, and I can't do that for myself, which is why I'm requesting it here.


Regardless if that works or not, if it's not too much trouble, what I would like is for various vendors (at least the ones that sell weapons like Moria, Karl, Flak, the dude in Paradise, the ghoul in Underworld, etc.) to sell all FOOK ammo. The amount doesn't matter, I could easily change that myself via FO3edit. Thanks.

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