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[SSE] Ranni's dress, cloak and hat


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Hello everyone, there was a similar mod with the dress, cloak, hat and even the body and face of ranni the witch from Elden Ring but this one was removed from the Nexus...

The copies that I could find elsewhere did not conform to the images and were buggy. :confused:

Could someone please put it on the game?


EDIT : I forgot to mention it but the mod I am referring to is this one https://modbooru.com/mods/the-clothes-of-ranni-the-witch.1084


As seen in the images, Ranni’s complete outfit and body are present. After downloading it, I realized that the textures were also there but the result is very different...


I made sure that the problem did not come from the installation. Instructions have been followed but the armor comes with default body that replaces the skin color of the character that equips the dress by a tan skin.


Since a job is already existing, do you think there is a way to repair this mod ?

Edited by Drakehus
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