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An Amazing peice of armor


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I found this on Deviant art a month or 2 ago. Just thought about if I had a suit of this in fallout 3. :biggrin: It also seems to appear that they must have their legs chopped off under the knee. Anyhow here is the link to the main pic on deviantart, but there is alot more pics through the link in the artists comment. Only problem is if u could get permission to use it.



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that is really nice

heres a thread that shows the development of it, and just how much work went into it.



seeing how much work went into this, i dont feel (i could be wrong) like this is the kind of thing where the artist would just say "yeah go ahead, take it".. and even if he did you couldnt just pop it into a game engine. (although it does show a low poly version in the early stages... ) it would probably have to be reworked almost completely, so its more likely that if anything were to come of this, it would have to be a knock-off built from scratch, with fallout in mind. but im only speculating..and certainly no expert on the subject


great piece of work though, thanks for pointing it out.

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yea I understand, anyhow there is even more designed armor. I think these are specs and designs for some type of art contest called Dominance War. Dunno if this is gonna turn into some type of game itself. Kinda like Cyborgs vs Demons. Some of these would be fitting of fallout atmosphere. Most of it is in Russia (i think) any how check these 2 out.


Machine Cyborg *nudity warning*



Both look very raider like.

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