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Yes, I have seen your posts, and I am sure that many others have also -


Things you are missing to get help-

Windows version - usually less important.

Game version - critical.

Mod manager you use and its version - critical.

Mod list/Load Order (not really the same thing - texture only mods do not show up in the load order normally) LO is generally more useful for troubleshooting. - absolute must have.

SKSE version (if you have SKSE based mods) - absolute must have.


Also - use the spoiler tags to hide

long sections of text like the LO can be, or crash logs/error messages.

You can use the third icon from the left at the top of the post window, selecting the spoiler BBCode, or simply use the tags (spoiler) and (/spoiler), using brackets [ ] around each, in place of the parenthesis.


A clear description of what is occurring, what you have tried, including complete error messages displayed. The vast majority of posts you have made are missing this. Comments like "I crashed - help me" or "Game won't start - help me" gives nothing to work from, nothing to analyze.


Try to get one problem resolved before moving to another i.e.: Game won't start - solve first, game crashes during start up - solve next, crashes during play/other glitches - solve next. Once you get the first difficulty solved, THEN you might think about starting a new thread in the Technical Support section, or the Mod Troubleshooting section, if it is a specific mod you are having a problem with. Also, do not keep adding mods trying to fix/change something, until you have solved the earlier problems.


It looks to me, from your many posts, like you have tried to take on too much, too early while building your mod list. I suggest you start from vanilla, then add on the unofficial fixes, engine fixes, etc. Then you can add a few mods - NPCs, armor/weapon mods, quest mods, then try the skin mods and body physics stuff. Once this is all working, then add more.


Quit making a lot of posts in several areas/forums (I see you have 71 posts, and I don't think that I have seen more than two posts on a single thread) - stick with one thread, so everyone can follow what has transpired.


Other users will try to help when they see stuff they are familiar with/have had problems with themselves. Give them something to work from.

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