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So I wanted to set up Mjölnir like weapon that gave lightning charges and had some spell effect, but I am not able to get the lightning charges to work, nor some of the effect: I have attached the .pak file - probably I am just not understanding something with the mod creation for BG3

new entry "WPN_Mjolnir"
type "Weapon"
using "WPN_LightHammer_1"
data "RootTemplate" "6016b4f6-9d69-448f-99ce-49f02c21e9d1"
data "Damage Type" "Bludgeoning"
data "Damage" "1d8"
data "ValueLevel" "3"
data "Weight" "2.7"
data "Rarity" "Legendary"
data "Boosts" "UnlockSpell(Projectile_END_Underground_LightningTrap)"
data "BoostsOnEquipMainHand" "UnlockSpell(Target_PostureBreaker);UnlockSpell(Target_ConcussiveSmash);UnlockSpell(Target_HinderingSmash)"
data "PassivesOnEquip" "MAG_ChargedLightning_Charge_OnDamage_Passive;MAG_HomingWeapon_Passive;MAG_LightningThrow_Passive;MAG_ThunderThrow_Passive;MAG_TheThorns_ExplosiveThrowing_Passive;MAG_TheThorns_VeilOfTheWind_Passive;MAG_Light_TheThorns_Passive"
data "DefaultBoosts" "WeaponEnchantment(2);WeaponProperty(Magical);WeaponDamage(1d4, Thunder);WeaponDamage(1d4, Lightning)"
data "Weapon Group" "MartialMeleeWeapon"
data "Weapon Properties" "Melee;Dippable;Thrown"
data "Proficiency Group" "Warhammers;MartialWeapons"
Edited by usernameisapain
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Okay so I have been able to get the lightning charge to work with regular attacks, but not when thrown, I have tried modifying the passive a few times, but to no avail: I believe what needs to be changed is the "conditions" I have tried "isSpell", "IsThrow", "isThrown" as well as my most recent failure. Perhaps someone has a good idea?


new entry "MAG_ChargedLightning_Charge_OnDamage_Passive"
type "PassiveData"
data "DisplayName" "hefe38517g8993g4b98g94ccgb6a7d7274d76;2"
data "Description" "hfceeb862gbcb0g49cag8b9bgdeb29686304f;4"
data "DescriptionParams" "2"
data "Properties" "OncePerAttack"
data "StatsFunctorContext" "OnDamage"
data "Conditions" "AttackedWithPassiveSourceWeapon() or HasWeaponProperty(WeaponProperties.Thrown, context.HitDescription.ThrownObject)"
data "StatsFunctors" "IF(not HasStatus('MAG_CHARGED_LIGHTNING', context.Source)):ApplyStatus(SELF, MAG_CHARGED_LIGHTNING_LIGHTNING_DAMAGE_ONCE_TECHNICAL,100, 0);IF(Character()):ApplyStatus(SELF, MAG_CHARGED_LIGHTNING_GENERATE_CHARGE_FX, 100, 0);IF(Character() and not IsDischargingLightning(context.Source)):ApplyStatus(SELF, MAG_CHARGED_LIGHTNING,100, 2);ApplyStatus(SELF, MAG_CHARGED_LIGHTNING_DURATION_TECHNICAL, 100, 1)"
Edited by usernameisapain
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