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Claws, or Assassin wrist blade


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Hello all!


I was wondering if anyone was working on or had tried a mod like this? While the 'Death Claw Guantlet' is a fine weapon, it's a to large for my tastes. Somthing smaller and bladed that attaches to the back of hand/wrists would be great! Similair to 'Wolverine' claws, or the wrist blade from 'Assassins Creed'..same or similair stats to the DCG. Using some of the hightech aromors out there..Chinese Stealth suit for example and the DCG...just doesnt look right.



Ty very much for all the time and effort you modders expend on making cool gear!



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cool model so far! It's possible that someone has done the assassin creed blade...but none of my searches yeilded any results..which could mean they arent out there..(which surprises me), or that I'm not entering the right search words. blade, hand knife, sword, claw, hand blade=nada that I'm looking for. A sword doesnt really fit what I'm looking for on my char. and the DCG has great stats...not OP'd but is just way too big...knives too small.. *shrug*
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or: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7261


my solution ^^


hope this helps..............................................l

NOT my video................................................l


support me by clicking the egg/hatchling! \/


i know this would be spam because this is my 3rd post with the same words but i saw alot of requests about wolverine clothes of some other wrist mounted weapon

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You should look up JaySuS claws and blades. It is kind of a pain in the ass to get it working without downloading the Commonwealth of Modders, but it can be done. It includes a triple bladed plate that straps to your hand, sort of ninja-esque. and it also has like a knuckle mounted axe blade type of thing.
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