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[Mod Request] Dwarf body Proportions


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Figure I put the idea out there for a dwarf body resize, so that proportions are less exaggerated. Right now they're very bulky and often clip or play poorly with armor, beards, or hairstyles. I would hope for something more in tune with normal anatomy to a degree. Think Tolkien/LOTR film dwarves, a more natural look as opposed to fantasy enlarged. This could help with future mods that wish to add beards, because right now trying to get a beard to play nicely with the dwarf chest has to be a nightmare is my guess vs other races. And beards really are one of the selling points to dwarves aesthetic to be quite honest. Either way I know its not simple because theres the issue of refitting apparel/armor etc. but figure I put it out there in hopes somebody felt similarly and had the know-how or determination to attempt it.

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