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My Summer Car

Chem Light Mod


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I would love to see Yellow and Green chem lights added to the game.


I can imagine these implemented in one of two ways... The first way being that a few of the chem light sticks are just permanent objects that exist in the world, and you can toggle them on and off like the lantern. The second way being you can purchase a box of your choice from Tiemo. The box can work similar to the batteries, spark plugs etc. When you light the stick they steady burn for about 8 in game hours and burn out.


I'm a total nerd for auxiliary lighting. I think My Summer Car unintentionally created the best kind of atmosphere that would make chem lights fit into the world perfectly. The night time is already so dark... And the idea came to me after the addition of the batteries for the flashlight. Since I always have some batteries and firewood stored near the house for when the power goes out in a thunderstorm; I thought chem lights would be the perfect addition for emergency preparedness. But they are great for any application really, like if youre on the run from the police and you set up camp at the old abandoned mansion or you load up the blue van with the sofa and grill for a weekend of camping... These lights are such a satisfying and efficient source of light.


If a mod like this is possible, Id be happy to make a donation to the author for their efforts,


Edited by DennyFrontier
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