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7 Days To Die

MOD Request - Tactical flash lights


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weapon and helmet mod lights that have adjustable lighting cones and colours


eg. shotgun light that only lights up spread pattern

rifle/handgun light that has a 2m spread at 20m (6ft at 50ft)

a head/helmet light that has 0.5m spread at 2m (2ft at 6ft)


all of above able to switch between white/red/blue


they exist in real world, I own 2 of them


so if anyone is able to do this THANKS in advance

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weapon and helmet mod lights that have adjustable lighting cones and colours


eg. shotgun light that only lights up spread pattern

rifle/handgun light that has a 2m spread at 20m (6ft at 50ft)

a head/helmet light that has 0.5m spread at 2m (2ft at 6ft)


all of above able to switch between white/red/blue


they exist in real world, I own 2 of them


so if anyone is able to do this THANKS in advance

What would be purpose of switched between white/red/blue in game(I understand it has some application IRL for guns, but would it matter in-game?)

Edited by Jeebz0991
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