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SOLVED: question: mod/command to change AI follower


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the questionis in de botton fo the post:


Apparently it was simpler than it seemed, I haven't tried it yet but the word I had to look for in English was:

Console Commands Actor Values ​​behavior


click on the NPC you want to change the values for, enter these commands:
setav aggression 0
setav confidence 0


aggressionEnum: Unaggressive (does not initiate combat), Aggressive (attacks Enemies), Very Aggressive (attacks Enemies and Neutrals), Frenzied (attacks anyone). (0-3)

confidence: Willingness to fight, based on their strength vs the attacker's strength. Enum: Cowardly (always flee), Cautious, Average, Brave, Foolhardy (never flee). (0-4)


SetAV: Set the base value. Some values reset after ending game.




tested and yes this ar correct. tested on vanilla Rayya and Alvor, and a mod follower.


However, I have no idea how to know what the levels they had before the change so you would have to be careful who changes the values ​​since when changing the base of the npc I don't know if reloading a previous save can solve wanting to return to the original



the question was:

hello, does anyone know of another way than ROD (Relationship Dialogue Overhaul) to change the AI ​​in the npc?
I have always used it for a function that has to be able to change the attack instance and put it in coward so my followers do not go to the attack but rather run and do not get in the way (even in other npc to avoid that they think of attacking a dragon and die breaking some mission)
Of course, among other options, but the one that interests me is that of the AI. I have searched or tried to search for information on the internet to change it through command but I can't find anything,of what I'm looking for. (or that command does not exist?)

This is because I always suffered from CTD in Ivarstead and looking for information it turns out that ROD seems to be the problem. I tried it (almost) in a new game and I didn't have that CTD. but now i can't use followers. I can stand by while they play for me and complete missions by not being able to change their aggression level to coward.

They are this but it doesn't say that I can change that:
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul and Amazing Follower Tweaks, but they make them more powerful, and I want the opposite.
writing follower on the nexus page gives me 4450 results, if anyone can be so kind of information

thanks in advance

Edited by rodr1ss
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